Scientific degree, academic title: PhD in Economic sciences, associated professor
Research interests: marketing, mass communications, design of company image
Basic courses: social communications, marketing, international marketing, communication tools in international relations
Key publications:
Tutorials and Monographs:
- Gron O. Ensuring the protection of consumer data in the field of electronic commerce// XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of Modeling Socio-Economic Systems” – Kharkiv 2023 /view/1106
- Gron O. Evaluation of the export potential of the enterprise / Oleksandra Viktorivna Hron, Olesya Yuriivna Sikalenko // Galician Economic Bulletin. — T.: TNTU, 2021. — Volume 73. — No. 6. — P. 115–122.
- Gron O., Harkusha V. O. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the international marketing strategy of a consulting company. Business Inform. 2021. No. 10. C.31–37.
- Gron O. The concept of interested parties in international business / O. V. Hron // International scientific journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences”. – 2021. – No. 5.
- Gron O., Kashuba O.A. The impact of artificial intelligence on the development of international trade. Digital International scientific and practical conference “Digital transformations of modern times”, (January 24, 2022. Coimbra, Portugal). Chernigiv: REICST, 2022. 49-52 p.
- Gron O., Pastushenko A.O. Approaches to assessing reputational risks in international business / O.V. Hron, A.O. Pastushenko // Modern problems of social and economic systems modeling: proceedings XIII International Scientific Practical Conference Bratislava – Kharkiv, 2021.
- Gron O., Pogorelenko A. K. Problems of personal data protection in the context of modern communication / O. V. Hron, A. K. Pogorelenko // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhhorod National University. Series “International Economic Relations and World Economy”. – 2018. – Issue 19 (Part 1). P. 102 – 109.
- Gron O., Satusheva K. B. Modern communication technologies in international business // Modeling of regional economy. 2019. Issue 2(34). P. 86-97 (0.6 um.print.sheet/0.35 um.print.sheet)
- Lysytsia, N.; Martynenko, M.; Bielikova, N.; Gron, O.; Us, M. 2019. Directions of social partnership of employers and universities in the sphere of economic education in Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(1): 336-352. (Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection
- Lysytsia, N., Prytychenko, T., & Gron, O. Vectors of promotion of economic educational services in Ukraine / Economic Annals-XXI (2017), 165(5-6), 138-142 (Scopus, 1 ум. др. арк. / 0,33 ум. др. арк. власного внеску)
- Lysytsia, N.; Martynenko, M.; Prytychenko, T.; Gron O.; Us M. 2019. Prospects for innovations in marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(4): 1771- 1783. (Scopus, 1 ум. др. арк. / 0,2 ум. др. арк. власного внеску)
- Gron, O.; Lysytsia, N.; Martynenko, M.; Bielikova, N.; Us, M. 2019. Directions of social partnership of employers and universities in the sphere of economic education in Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(1): 336-352. (1,25 ум. др. арк. / 0,25 ум. др. арк. власного внеску)
- Pukala R., Lysytsia N. M., Prytychenko T. I., Gron O. V. International Marketing of Economic Educational Services in Ukraine and Poland // Бізнес Інформ. – 2018. – №9. – C. 77 – 85
- Gron О.V. Peculiarities of branding in the market of industrial goods / О.V. Gron // Modern marketing: analysis and prospects of development / P.A. Orlov [etc.]. – Kharkiv: Ed. KhNEU them. S. Kuznets, 2015. – P. 174 – 191.
- Prokhorova T.P, Gron O.V. Marketing pricing policy / T.P Prokhorova, О.V. Gron // Kharkiv: Ed. KhNEU, 2006. – 164 p.
- Borisenko M.A, Gron O.V, Shchetinin V.M. Industrial marketing / M.A Borisenko, O.V Gron, V.M Shchetinin // Kharkiv: Ed. KhNEU, 2010. – 292 p.
- Prokhorova T.P, Gron O.V. Marketing communication policy / T.P. Prokhorova, O.V. Gron // Kharkiv: ID “INZHEK”, 2005. – 223 p.
- Lysytsia, N.; Martynenko, M.; Prytychenko, T.; Gron O.; Us M. 2019. Prospects for innovations in marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(4): 1771- 1783. (Scopus)
- Lysytsia, N.; Martynenko, M.; Bielikova, N.; Gron, O.; Us, M. 2019. Directions of social partnership of employers and universities in the sphere of economic education in Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 7(1): 336-352. (Scopus)
- Lysytsia N., Martynenko M., Prytychenko T., Gron O., Liakh I. (2019). Differentiation of employers as potential partners of higher educational institutions. Economics of Development, 18(2), 29-40. doi:10.21511/ed.18(2).2019.04
- Gron O.V., Pogorelenko A.K. Problems of personal data protection in the context of modern communication / O.V. Gron, A.K. Pogorelenko // Scientific herald of the Uzhhorod National University. Series “International Economic Relations and the World Economy”. – 2018. – Issue 19 (Part 1). P. 102 – 109.
- Pukala R., Lysytsia N. M., Prytychenko T. I., Gron O. V. International Marketing of Economic Educational Services in Ukraine and Poland // Бізнес Інформ. – 2018. – №9. – C. 77 – 85
- Lysytsia, N., Prytychenko, T., & Gron, O. Vectors of promotion of economic educational services in Ukraine / Economic Annals-XXI (2017), 165(5-6), 138-142 (Scopus, 1 ум. др. арк. / 0,33 ум. др. арк. власного внеску)
- Lysytsia N.M., Prytychenko T.I., Gron O.V. Perspectives of marketing of economic educational services in Ukraine / Scientific journal Economics of development. – 2017. – №1 (81). P. 5 – 15