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ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця


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Positive impressions received from studying under the double diploma program at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza 

On July 12, 2024, with a high score of 18 out of 20, she defended her thesis on the topic “DIGITAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL MEDIA: CASE STUDY OF CO-LIVING SOJUELA JOVEN”, which she prepared under the supervision of Professor, PhD Oliva Maria Dourado Martins. The thesis was prepared by Elvira on the example of the real Spanish company Manfred On Tour based in Sojuela (Spain), in which she completed an internship in April-May 2024.

Congratulations to Elvira Polupan, a 4th-year student of International Economic Relations who successfully defended her thesis under the double degree program in Portugal!

Elvira successfully studied at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza majoring in International Business Management for two semesters of 2023-2024.

We wish you success! We hope that the valuable experience and positive impressions received from studying under the double diploma program at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza will remain for life! We are waiting for you at the master’s degree!

Business seminars “Laboratory of success” under the auspices of the Kharkiv Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund, the Main Department of Economy and International Relations of the Kharkiv Regional State (Military) Administration and the Kharkiv Regional Youth Center

In the teaching of the academic disciplines “Business Economics” and “International Entrepreneurship” by the associate professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and the guarantor of the educational program “Entrepreneurship and Trade” Lytvynenko Alina Oleksandrivna under the auspices of the Kharkiv Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund, the Main Department of Economy and International Relations of Kharkiv Oblast of the state (military) administration and the Kharkiv Regional Youth Center, an event dedicated to the launch of the “School of Small Business” program was held, which will include a series of business seminars for young entrepreneurs “Laboratory of Success”.

The “Laboratory of Success” business seminars for young entrepreneurs involved scientists from the Kharkiv Higher Secondary School, entrepreneurs, representatives of the State Tax Service, and representatives of the Kharkiv Regional Employment Center.

Online meeting of the working group of the educational program “International Business”

On November 10, an online meeting of the working group of the educational program “International Business” (specialty 292 International Economic Relations” of S. Kuznets Khnev University) with representatives of the business community took place. Stakeholders-employers noted the relevance and quality of the educational program, the importance of already taught disciplines and program results. The representatives of the enterprises shared the vision and expectations of employers regarding the knowledge and skills of future specialists in international economic relations, spoke about their interest in cooperation and the vision of further cooperation with the Department of International Economic Relations to improve the quality of the educational process and its compliance with modern trends in the labor market.

OxPeace Conference at Oxford University (St John’s College) and the inaugural meeting of the “Oxfordshire-Kharkiv Region” Association

On April 29, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations Dr A. O. Pastushenko took part in two events in Oxford dedicated to Ukraine: the OxPeace Conference at Oxford University (St John’s College) and the inaugural meeting of the “Oxfordshire-Kharkiv Region” Association.

At the OxPeace conference Dr A. O. Pastushenko gave a talk on Russia’s appropriation of the medieval history of Ukraine, refuting the myths that inspire the Russian aggressors to attack Ukraine; at the inaugural meeting of the Association “Oxfordshire-Kharkiv Region” Assoc. A. O. Pastushenko told the audience about the history of the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

Сourse “Diplomacy: etiquette, protocol, business and intercultural communication”

It is impossible to be a modern teacher, a successful person without regular training.
At any age, knowledge is most valuable for achieving a goal, whether communicating with partners, communicating with colleagues, or interacting with business representatives. Our professors of the Department of International Economic Relations have such competences.

Today, it is necessary to be able to communicate, to understand the interlocutor, to conduct dialogue correctly, to build mutual relations and to get pleasure and benefit from business contacts and negotiations.

Associate professor of the department Lesya Yvdokimova-Lysohor is a certified participant of the course “Diplomacy: etiquette, protocol, business and intercultural communication”.

Research at Oxford university at the Department of History and All Souls college.

Andrii Pastushenko does research at Oxford university at the Department of History and All Souls college. Simultaneously Andrii is a researcher-at-risk fellow (funded by Cara and managed by British Academy). Andrii writes a monograph on the early modern history of England, every day working in libraries and archives. He also performs international tasks for our department.

Simultaneously, by chance, he gives seminars on the history of Ukraine, debunking Russian myths and disinformation. Helps Oxford university Ukrainian society in organization of events and activities for supporting Ukraine.

Participation in the Ukrainian-Portuguese program of two diplomas in the specialty “International Business Management” at the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal)

As part of the partnership between the Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal) and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, we invite students of the first (bachelor) level of the specialty 292 “International Economic Relations” to take part in the Ukrainian-Portuguese two-degree program in the specialty “International Business Management”

Applications are being accepted for studies in the 2023-2024 academic year (beginning of studies (September 2023).

Students of the 3rd year of the first (bachelor’s) level of the specialty 292 International Economic Relations are invited to participate.

1) knowledge of the English language at the B2 level or higher,
2) the average score for the previous period of study is not lower than 75.
3) motivation to participate in the program.

The language of instruction is English
Study period – 10 months (September 2023 – June 2024)
The deadline for participation in the competition is March 31, 2023
To register for participation, the following documents must be sent to parkhomenko.na28@gmail.com by March 31, 2023:
1) scan copy of the curriculum according to the student’s study program (translated into English)
2) scan copy of proof of knowledge of the English language (diploma, or certificate, or letter of recommendation from an English teacher)
3) scan copy of an academic certificate from the dean’s office based on study results (in Ukrainian and translated into English) for 5 semesters of 150 credits
4) resume / CV (in English) in any form
5) scan copy of the foreign passport
6) scan copy of the school leaving certificate with an attachment (in Ukrainian and translated into English)
7) declaration for studies of a foreign student (on a special form in English)

Nataliya Oleksandrivna Parkhomenko, prof. Department of International Economic Relations, parkhomenko.na28@gmail.com

Attention future masters!

On August 1, 2022 at 09:00, the creation of your electronic offices begins!!!

From August 16, 2022, you can apply for the educational programs of our Faculty of International Relations and Journalism.

✅️ To create an electronic cabinet, click on the link 👉 https://cabinet.edbo.gov.ua/login/register and select Admission for obtaining a master’s degree based on a bachelor’s, specialist, master’s degree

We remind you that 6 master’s degree programs are open at our faculty: ⤴️

⚠️Watch the detailed video instructions on creating an account and submitting applications ⤵️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9muStn4Tas

Scientific mobile communication between Portugal and Ukraine

📝 Prolongation of spontaneity between KhNEU im. S. Kuznetsya and Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal) for the program of holding a diploma and exchange students!

👍 At the end of 2022, professors of the department of international economics of KhNEU im. S. Kuznetsya, coordinator of the Portuguese-Ukrainian program Natalia Parkhomenko, Oleksandra Gron, Alina Litvinenko, Lesya Yevdokimova-Lisogor, Margarita Chepelyuk and intercessor Evgeniya Voronyuk, Dean of the Faculty, saw the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal).

🤝 At the hour of the visit, it was discussed that the main provisions of the contract were accepted and the options for its implementation were broken down to improve modern minds.

🧑‍🏫 Starting in the program of holding a diploma and exchanging students with Instituto Politécnico de Bragança may have the opportunity to take part in the International Business program for more students.

🇺🇦 Let’s see, in the distance, I’ll help you to help our team!