Main publications
- Iryna Murenets. Economic security as a component of Ukraine’s national security. XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of Modeling Social and Economic Systems”. Kharkiv: 6-7 April 2023. URL :
- Iryna Murenets. Security of formation of corporate culture of the enterprise in the international business. XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems of Modeling Social and Economic Systems”. Kharkiv: 6-7 April 2023. URL :
- Murenets I. Micro and macro approaches in the concept of doing business. Economic journal of the Odessa Polytechnic University No. 2 (20). 2022. URL:
- Murenets I. G. Organizational security for the quality of business management. Economy and business. 2020. No. 44. P. 21–31 Access mode:
- Murenets I. G. Theoretical basis for ensuring the quality of management by industry. Steel development of social and economic systems in the minds of globalization processes: materials of the Intern. sci.-pract. conf., m.Kyiv, 30 birches. 2020 Kiev, 2020. S. 107–111.
- Murenets I. G. Adaptation of business enterprises to European standards / I. G. Murenets, V. V. Ushkalov // Modern innovation and investment mechanisms for the development of the national economy in the minds of European integration: materials of the 7th Intern. scientific and practical. Internet conference, 29 Zhovt. 2020 : theses dopov. – Poltava: Nat. Univ-t “Poltava Polytechnic named after. Yuri Kondratyuk”, 2020. – P. 104–105.
- Murenets I. G. Technology for the implementation of methodical security for the quality of management in industrial enterprises. Business Inform. 2018. No. 8. C. 263–268.
- Murenets I. D. Possibility of the essence to understand the “likeness of management” and “efficiency”. Economy studios. 2020. No. 2 (28). pp. 75–78.
- Murenets I. G. Organizational security for the quality of business management. Economy and business. 2020. No. 44. P. 21–31.
- Murenets I., Gontareva I., Kurmaiev P., Podzihun S., Dorokhov O. Functionality and Quality Management of Transformation of Capital Forms at an Enterprise. T.E.M. Journal. 2018 Vol. 7. Issue 3. P. 597–606 (Scopus).
- Murenets I. Quality of management decisions. Investment and innovation policy : priority areas and potential sources : a collection of abstracts of scientific workers of the Mijnar. sci.-pract. conf., Lviv, May 19, 2018 Lviv: Lviv Economic Fund, 2018, pp. 33–36.
- Murenets I. G. The impact of personnel risks on the quality of management of the current enterprise. Economic development and recession Semyon Kuznets: theses of dopovіdey Intern. Sciences. Conf., Kharkiv, 1–2 chervnia, 2017 Kharkiv, 2017, pp. 128–131.
- Murenets I. G. Evaluation of the quality of management of business enterprises in the international environment. Bulletin of Khmelnitsky National University. 2017. No. 3. V.1. pp. 12–17.
- Murenets I. G. Evaluation of the quality of management of industrial enterprises. Economic development and recession Semyon Kuznets: Materials of the Intern. Sciences. Conf., m. Kharkiv, 26–28 trav. 2016 Kharkiv, 2016. S. 267–271.
- Murenets I. G. Rethinking the implementation of management systems for liquidity at enterprises. Formation of an effective model for the development of business in the minds of the market economy: abstracts of the V Intern. sci.-pract. Conf., m. Zhytomyr, 2–3 sheets. 2017 Zhytomyr, 2017, pp. 186–191.
- Murenets I. Evolution of Total Quality Management. Present research and development: materials for the 12th Intern. scientific practical Conf., Sofia, January 15–22, 2016. Sofia, 2016. P. 32–38.
- Murenets I. Origin of the concept “quality”. Areas of scientific thought : materials of 12 international research and practice conference, Sheffield, December 30, 2015 – January 7, 2016. Sheffield, 2015–2016. P. 79–84.
- Murenets I. G. Row analysis of current approaches to the management of the quality at the enterprises. Safeguarding the stable economic development of the country: opportunities and prospects: a collection of abstracts of scientific workers from the participants of the Mіzhnar. sci.-pract. Conf., Moscow Lviv, 21–22 July 2016 Lviv: Lviv Science Foundation, 2016, pp. 64–68.
- Murenets I. D. Theoretical foundations for ensuring the functional organization of the industry
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