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ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Satusheva Karyna

Scientific degree, academic title: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

e-mail: satusheva0605@ukr.net

Research interests: international cultural relations, communication, sociological methods in the study of international relations.

Training courses: sociological methods in the study of international relations, financial and economic analysis, international cultural relations, document communication.


  • Satusheva K. Theory fundamentals and methodic approaches to consolidation of financial statements in socially-oriented economy / K. Satusheva. / The Economics of the XXI Century: Current State and Development Prospects / Kislov Denis, Golovin Aleksej, Parhomchuk Maryna and other. – London : Sciemcee Publishing. – 2018. – P. 87-101.
  • Satusheva K. Organizational Principles of Internal Reporting for Innovation Activity Management/ K. Satusheva. /Emergence  of public development: financial and legal aspects: monograph /Yu.   Pasichnyk and etc.: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof.  Pasichnyk Yu.] :  Collective monograph. −  Agenda Publishing House, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2019. − 737 р.               

Scientific articles :

  • Satusheva K. V., Voronyuk E. C. Psychology of economic security business management [Electronic vision]: materials of the XIV International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of modeling social and economic systems”. April 6-7, 2023 / Kharkiv National Economic University named after Semyon Kuznets – Kharkiv, 2023. https://mpsesm.org/book/2023/pages/sections/section03/page25.html
  • Satusheva K., Voroniyk Y. Organization of economic security of international venture: psychological aspect // Economic Problems. Journal of strategic economic achievements. 2021. №2. pp. 57–66. DOI:10.30857/2786-5398.2021.2.6 https://jrnl.knutd.edu.ua/index.php/jseconres/article/view/917/949
  • Satusheva K . Analysis of influencing factors on the development of agricultural enterprises based on e-commerce technologies // Sumets, A., Serbov, M., Skrynkovskyy, R., Faldyna, V., & Satusheva, K. //. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, – 2020.-6 (4), pp. 211-231. Access mode https://are-journal.com/are/article/view/373 (
  • Satusheva K. Theory fundamentals and methodic approaches to consolidation of financial statements in socially-oriented economy / K. Satusheva. / The Economics of the XXI Century: Current State and Development Prospects / Kislov Denis, Golovin Aleksej, Parhomchuk Maryna and others. – London: Sciemcee Publishing. – 2018. – P. 87-101 (21.0 min. other arc. / 1.0 min. other arc.).
  • Satusheva K. Organizational Principles of Internal Reporting for Innovation Activity Management/ K. Satusheva. /Emergence of public development: financial and legal aspects: monograph /Yu. Pasichnyk and etc.: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Pasichnyk Yu.] : Collective monograph. − Agenda Publishing House, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2019. – 737 rubles.
  • Satusheva K. V. Сonsolidation of accounting information in company’s management system / K. V. Satusheva // Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference “Modern problems of business management: theory and practice”, (Kharkiv, 29-30 March 2018 .). – Kharkiv: KhNEUim. S. Kuznetsya, 2018. – S. 355-358.
  • Satusheva K. V. Informational support of business processes of entrepreneurship in the minds of reforming the system of appearance / K. V. Satusheva, I. G. Voloshan // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference [“Economic Development and Recession Semyon Kuznets” ;], (Kharkiv , 31 May – 1 worm, 2018). – Kharkiv: KhNEU im. S. Kuznetsya, 2018. – S. 212-214.
  • Satusheva K. V. Development of company management reporting system / K. V. Satusheva // II International scientific conferencet; Corporate Governance: Strategies, Technologies, Processes;, October, 26, 2018. – P. 198-200.
  • Satusheva K.V. Development of reporting as the element of accounting method / K. V. Satusheva // Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference [“Modern problems of business management: theory and practice”], (Kharkiv, 18-19 March 2019). – Kharkiv: KhNEU im. S. Kuznetsya, 2019. -S. 452-455.
  • K. Satusheva, Y. Leonova. Perspertives of the non-financal reporting in ukraine / K. Satusheva, Y. Leonova // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference [“Economic development and recession of Semyon Kuznets”], (Kharkiv, 30-31 May 2019). – Kharkiv: KhNEU im. S. Kuznetsya, 2019. – S. 165-166.
  • Сатушева К. B., Коптєва О.В. Звітність за результатами інноваційної діяльності як інструмент податкового адміністрування міжнародного бізнесу // БІЗНЕС-НАВІГАТОР Випуск 6 (55) 2019 року
  • Kozubova N., Satusheva K. International hotel business: problems and prospects for development // Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія: Економіка і управління Том 30 (69). N 5, 2019. 
  • Satusheva K. Theory fundamentals and methodic approaches to consolidation of financial statements in socially-oriented economy / K. Satusheva. / The Economics of the XXI Century: Current State and Development Prospects / Kislov Denis, Golovin Aleksej, Parhomchuk Maryna and other. – London : Sciemcee Publishing. – 2018. – P. 87-101
  • Satusheva K. Organizational Principles of Internal Reporting for Innovation Activity Management/ K. Satusheva. /Emergence  of public development: financial and legal aspects: monograph /Yu.   Pasichnyk and etc.: [Ed. by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof.  Pasichnyk Yu.] :  Collective monograph. −  Agenda Publishing House, Coventry, United Kingdom, 2019. − 737 р
  • Сатушева К. В. Кооперація та координація як рушійні сили розвитку міжнародного бізнесу /Їнфраструктура ринку. Випуск 37.-2019. С.88-92.
  • Satusheva K Prokopishyna O., Kozubova Accounting and analytical base for management of logistic flows in tourism business //Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості №66 -2019.-С. 161-163.