Otenko Iryna Pavlivna
Head of the Department of International Business and Economic analysis, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine.
E-mail: kafecan@hneu.edu.ua
- Otenko I., Porozhnjak O. (2014) Strategic competence of enterprise: approaches, concepts, methodological support, Kharkiv: INZHEK.
- Otenko I., Preobrazhenska E. (2012) Development of competence on the basis of strategic knowledge, Kharkiv: INZHEK.
- Otenko I., Voronkova A., Vecherkovsky R., Voronkova D. (2008) Diagnostics of the enterprise: theory and practice, Kharkiv: INZHEK.
- Otenko I. (2008) The strategic priorities of the enterprise, Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I., Ivaschenko A., Maliarets L. (2007) Analysis and evaluation of enterprise’s strategic potential, Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I. (2006) The strategic management of the enterprise potential, Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I., Poltavska E. (2005) Managing of the enterprise’s competitive advantages, Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I., Moskalenko N. (2005) Organizational-economic mechanism of the enterprise’s restructuring, Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I. (2004) Methodological bases of the enterprise’s potential management , Kharkiv: HNUE.
- Otenko I., Maliarets L. (2003) The mechanism of the enterprise’s potential management, Kharkiv: HGEU.
Tutorials, manuals:
- Iryna Otenko, Alina Lytvynenko, Elena Lytvynenko, Igor Grabynskyi, Mykola Povoroznyk, Dmytro Nikitin «The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Dynamics of Financial Instruments in the World Trade», WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022. 19.158, Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899 (Scopus)
- Iryna Otenko, Vasyl Otenko, Lyudmyla Malyarets and Daniil Fatyanov (2022) Monitoring The Development of the Export and Import Potential of the Regions (case study of Ukraine). Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 39-50. (Scopus, Web of Science). – Режим доступу: https://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/039_-_050_-_maljarec_et_al._-.pdf
- Otenko I., Parkhomenko N., Otenko V., Chepeliuk M. 2022, Development of export potential of Ukraine’s agricultural sector. Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development”, Vol. 22 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 485-492. – Режим доступу: https://managementjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/vol.22_1/Art57.pdf (Web of Science).
- Iryna P. Otenko, Vasil I. Otenko, Lyudmyla M. Malyarets and Marharyta Chepeliuk Assessment the development of the commodity structure а country’s exports and imports (case study of Ukraine). Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 7-16. Режим доступу: http://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/007-016-maljarec_et_al._-_rrr.pdf (Scopus, Web of Science)
- The history of economy and economic thought / ed. by Amosov O., Gavkalova N, Otenko I., Pushkar A. – M.: Harri NAGU “Master”, 2013. –774 p.
- Management of business career: study guide / G. Nazarova, I. Otenko, S. Mishina and others. – Kh.: Ed. HNEU 2013. – 296 p. (Ukr. language)
- Analysis of industries and services: a tutorial / Otenko I., Mishin A., Mishina S. – Kh.: Ed. HNEU 2013. – 324 p.
- Economic security of the enterprise [Text]: tutorial / Otenko I., Ivashchenko G., Voronkov D. / Kharkiv national University of Economics. – Kh.: HNEU, 2012. – 251 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Analysis of the budget and banking institutions / Otenko I., Mishina S., Mishin A. – M.: ID ” HNEU”, 2009. – 240 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Economic analysis [Text]: tutorial / Kozhanova E., Otenko I., Serikova T., Kulikov M. / Kharkiv national University of Economics. – [Third ed., Rev.]. – Kh.: HNEU, 2009. – 338 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Economy of labor in the organization: textbook / Otenko I., Moskalenko N.. – Kh.: HNEU, 2006. – 232 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Budget management [Text]: tutorial / Kondusova L., Grachev V., Otenko I. / Kharkiv national University of Economics. – Kh.: HNEU, 2005. – 246 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Management: Textbook / Pilipenko A., Pilipenko S., Otenko I. / – Odessa.: ID INGEK, 2005. – 454 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Economic analysis [Text]: tutorial / Kozhanova E., Otenko I. / Kharkiv national University of Economics. – 2nd ed. work. and extra – Kh.: HNEU, 2005. – 340 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Strategic management [Text]: tutorial / Goncharova S., Otenko I. – Kh.: HNEU, 2004. – 163 p. (Ukr.lang.)
- Labor Economics and labor relations [Text]: tutorial / Pilipenko S., Pilipenko A., Otenko I. – Kh.: HNEU, 2004. – 223 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Accounting, analysis and audit [Text]: tutorial for high schools. / Serikova T., Ponikarov V., Kozhanova E., Otenko I. – Kh.: INJEK, 2003. – 394 p. (Rus. lang.)
- Accounting, analysis and audit [Text]: tutorial / Serikova T., Ponikarov V., Kozhanova E., Otenko I. – Kh.: HNEU, 2003. – 376 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Social policy [Text]: tutorial for higher education institutions. / Goncharova S., Otenko I. – Kh.: HDEU, 2003. – 198 p. (Ukr.lang.)
- Economic analysis [Text] a training manual for self-study discipline. / Kozhanova E., Otenko I. – Kh.: INJEK, 2003. – 206 p. (Rus. lang.)
- Economic analysis [Text]: a training manual for self-study discipline. / Kozhanova E., Otenko I. – Kh.: HNEU, 2003. – 209 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Features of the economic analysis in sectors of national economy [Text]: tutorial. / Otenko I., Kolodezeva T., Ivanenko V. – Kh.: HDEU, 2002. – 195 p. (Ukr. lang.)
- Analysis of activities of commercial banks [Text]: tutorial. / Otenko I. – Kh.: HGEU, 2001. – 155 p. (Rus. lang)
- Iryna Otenko, Alina Lytvynenko, Elena Lytvynenko, Igor Grabynskyi, Mykola Povoroznyk, Dmytro Nikitin «The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Dynamics of Financial Instruments in the World Trade», WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022. 19.158, Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899 (Scopus)
- Iryna Otenko, Vasyl Otenko, Lyudmyla Malyarets and Daniil Fatyanov (2022) Monitoring The Development of the Export and Import Potential of the Regions (case study of Ukraine). Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 39-50. (Scopus, Web of Science). – Режим доступу: https://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/039_-_050_-_maljarec_et_al._-.pdf
- Otenko I., Parkhomenko N., Otenko V., Chepeliuk M. 2022, Development of export potential of Ukraine’s agricultural sector. Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development”, Vol. 22 ISSUE 1, PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, 485-492. – Режим доступу: https://managementjournal.usamv.ro/pdf/vol.22_1/Art57.pdf (Web of Science).
- Iryna P. Otenko, Vasil I. Otenko, Lyudmyla M. Malyarets and Marharyta Chepeliuk Assessment the development of the commodity structure а country’s exports and imports (case study of Ukraine). Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 7-16. Режим доступу: http://mnje.com/sites/mnje.com/files/007-016-maljarec_et_al._-_rrr.pdf (Scopus, Web of Science)
- Otenko I. International security in the economic world / I. Otenko // Business Inform. – 2016. – №5.– pp. 40–45.
- Otenko I. Economic Sustainability in International Business: Peculiarities, Methods and Approaches / I. Otenko // Problems of Economics. – 2016. – №2. – pp. 13 – 18.
- Otenko I. International Standards of Corporate Security / I. Otenko, E. Preobrazhenska // Economics of development . – 2016. – № 4
- Otenko I. The strategy of the intellectualization of world economic development / I. Otenko // Modelling of regional economics. – 2015.– 1(25). – pp. 360–367.
- Otenko I. Strategic partnerships in an international business environment / I. Otenko // Modelling of regional economics. – 2015. – 2(26). – pp. 214–222
- Otenko I. Analysis of factors of macroenvironment influence on the implementation of public-private partnership in Ukraine / I. Otenko, L. Afanasyeva // COLLECTED WORKS “JOURNAL CHSTU”. Series: Economic science. – 2014. – 37(3). – PP. 119-126.
- Otenko I. Analysis of Specific Features of International Standards of Personnel Security of an Enterprise / I. Otenko, O. Preobrazhenska // Business Inform. – №2. – 2014. – pp.371-376.
- Otenko I. The establishment of the theory of safety management in social systems / I. Otenko, N. Moskalenko, D. Komarkov // COLLECTED WORKS “JOURNAL CHSTU”. Series: Economic science 35. – 2013. – Part III. Vol. 2. – P. 85 – 91.
- Otenko I. The Formation of the subject area of the research potential of strategic changes of an enterprise / I. Otenko, J. Gapon // COLLECTED WORKS “JOURNAL CHSTU”. Series: Economic science 36. Part 3. – 2014. – P. 12-18
- Otenko I. Forming of analytical tools to assess economic safety of the enterprise / I. Otenko, I. Iartym // Modeling and information technologies in the study of socio-economic systems: theory and practice / Under the editorship of PhD, Professor V. Ponomarenko, PhD, Professor T. Klebanova. – Berdyansk, FL-P Tkachuk A.V., 2014.- P. 426-438.
- Otenko I., The Identification of the concept “economic security of strategic changes of enterprise”/, I. Otenko, I. Iartym // Problems of Economics. 2014. – No. 1. – P. 204-210.
- Otenko I. Evaluation of economic security in the process of enterprise development / I. Otenko, I. Iartym // Business inform. – No. 11. – 2013. – P. 255-261.
- Otenko I. Defining the role of corporate culture in concepts of organisational changes / Otenko I., Chepeliuk M. // Business Inform. – No. 11. – 2013. – P. 347 – 354.
- Otenko I. Analytical provision of strategic position of the enterprise / Otenko I., Kosharnaya P. // Problems of Economics. – No. 4. – 2013. – P. 262-267.
- Otenko I. The Formation of strategic adaptability enterprise / Otenko I., Oleynik T. // Visnik of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian University. – 2013. – №11(200). – P. 208-212
- Otenko I. Factors of threats of economic safety on the enterprises of Ukraine / I. Otenko, N. Moskalenko // Materials of III international scientific-practical conference “Problems of formation and implementation of competition policy” (Lviv, September 19-20, 2013) – Lviv: “АrtDruk”, 2013. –P. 172-174
- Otenko I. Analysis and assessment of threats to economic security of regions, methods of multivariate analysis // Evaluation models and analysis of complex socio-economic systems: Monograph / Under the editorship of PhD, Professor V. Ponomarenko, PhD, Professor T. Klebanova, PhD, Professor M. Kizima. – Kh.: INZHEK, 2013. – 664 p. – P. 289-306.
- Otenko I. Forming of analytical strumental assessment of readiness of enterprise to implement strategic choices // Modelling socio-economic systems: theory and practice: Monograph/ ed. by V. Ponomarenko, T. Klebanova, N. Kizima. – Kh.: FLP Alexandrova K.M.; «INZHEK», 2012. – 592p., – Rus. Lang, Ukr.Lang, – P. 470-483.
- Otenko I. Techniques of formalization of organizational knowledge of the enterprise / Otenko I., Preobrazhenska O. // Economic Visnik of the University. Collection of scientific works of scientists and postgraduate students. – 2012 – Issue 18/2.Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University of Grigory Skovoroda. – P. 137-143.
- Otenko I. Management of economic safety of the enterprise according to the criterion of adaptability / I. Otenko, T. Oleinik // Collection of scientific articles “Journal of transport Economics and industry.” – 2012. – Issue 38, app. – Kharkiv. – P. 108-111.
- Otenko I. Theories of measurement of the potential socio-production systems [Text] // Business inform, №12. – 2011. – P. 230-233.
- Otenko I. Valdeza adaptability of the processes of development of the enterprise / I. Otenko, T. Oleinik // Scientific journal “Culture of the black sea” – Intercollegiate center “Crimea”. – 2011 – No. 215 – P. 96-99.
- Otenko I. Paradigm of managing potential socio-production systems // Scientific journal “Economics of development” . – 2011.– №4 (60) – Kharkov, HNEU. – P. 63-68.
- Otenko I. Conceptualization of adaptability and strategic flexibility of enterprise // Scientific journal “Visnik of Khmelnitsky national University”. – 2011. – №.4.T.1 (178). – Khmelnitsky. – P. 53-59.
- Otenko I. Methodical approaches to risk analysis at accepting and realization of strategic decisions consultation / I. Otenko, A. Maltsev // Business Inform №2(1). – 2011. – P. 153-155.
- Otenko I. Analytical instruments of assessment of intellectual capital of enterprise / I. Otenko, O. Preobrazhenska // Business Inform №2(2). – 2011. – P. 114-116.
Research interests:
enterprise strategic potential; organizational knowledge and enterprise competencies; strategies changes; government regulation of economic security; financial and economic security management.
Scientific activities:
- Scientific supervisor of postgraduate students’ studies;
- Member of specialized Academic Board on candidate and doctoral theses defense of R&D centre for Industrial Development Problems of NAS,Ukraine.
- “Honored economist of Ukraine” (2010),
- the Honorary diploma of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (2008),
- Honorary certificate of the Kharkiv City Council (2010)
- Diploma of Dzerzhinsky district of the Kharkov City Council (2010).
- Golden Mark KhNEU (2005),
- Victory in the competition of Kharkiv regional state administration “Higher school of Kharkiv — the best names” in the nomination “Head of Department” (2014).